Getting a driver’s license in Sweden (B-körkort)

It’s time for a fun update!  Today I’m going to talk about getting a driver’s license in Sweden (or rather, what I had to go through to get my Swedish driver’s license).  Listen up, Americans… this ain’t no joke.  The test is way harder than you think.

Raise your hand if you moved here and found out that your driver’s license was only good for the first year that you were here?  I’ve always thought that was weird – as if we would suddenly forget how to drive once the 366th day comes rolling around.

Keep your hand raised if you thought that it was no big deal for you to get a new license because you drove back in your home country, or you chose to postpone the process because you didn’t think you would need a car.

SF Bay AreaIs your hand still raised?  Mine is still raised since both situations applied to me.  I’ve driven a car since I was 16, and mostly drove in the congested San Francisco Bay Area.  We’re talking about 7.4 million people in an area covering 18,000 square kilometers.  WAY more than Stockholm has to offer.  Just drive in Union Square on a Saturday afternoon and you’ll know what I am talking about.  I also love the convenience of public transportation so I’ve never felt the need to buy a car.

To get a driver’s license in Sweden, you have to go through four steps.

1) First, you need what’s called a körkortstillstånd, a driver’s permit. You need to get your eyes examined, fill out a health declaration, and pay 220 kr to get the permit.  The permit is good for five years, after which you can simply renew if you haven’t gotten your license yet.

2) After you have your permit, you need to decide whether you want to practice driving on your own or with a driving school. If you want to practice driving on your own, you need to complete a training course together with the person who will supervise and teach you.  This is much more serious than the process in the US!  Driving schools are everywhere and most people recommend going through one of those.  During this time, you should be studying the theory book too.  There are a variety of different books, but I borrowed my friend’s STR (the Swedish driving school association) book in English.

3) Attend Risk 1 and Risk 2 — you can’t fail them. Attendance at Risk 1 and Risk 2 is also valid for five years.  Risk 1 is an educational session about the impact of alcohol and drugs on driving behavior.  This class reminded me a little bit of the Red Asphalt videos that we watched in Driver’s Ed, but without so much gore.

Risk 2 is the fun part.Halkbana  It’s a practical way for the student driver to understand the impact of speed on car performance and safety especially on poor road conditions (ice or water, etc).  You drive around with some other aspiring students and the instructor will raise the car by a few millimeters, which is just enough for the car to lose traction and simulate poor road conditions.  You brake, you wipe out, take the car in a 360 degree turn, end up in a ditch somewhere…  It’s tons of fun and it was actually very instructive too!  I wish we did this back in the US.

4) Once you’ve completed Risk 1 and Risk 2 and feel ready to do the theory (“teoriprov”) and practical tests (“uppkörning”, literally “driving up”), you just need to book a place and time with Trafikverket and pay the fees.  It’s 325 kr for the theory test and 1200 kr for the practical test.  In Stockholm, the theory test is taken at a different location than the practical test. If you pass the theory test, you have two months to pass the practical test.  Sometimes people fail the theory test but pass the practical test.  The same applies there – you have two months to pass the theory test, or else you have to do everything all over again.

Now, back to my story.  After 7 years of living here, I finally decided to get back into the process.  It was the last remaining thing on my checklist before I could call myself completely Swedish.  I had a personnummer, I had an apartment, and I even had citizenship which let me vote in the recent EU and Swedish elections.  But I couldn’t legally drive in this country.

I had applied and received my körkortstillstånd in June 2010, so I only had until June 2015 to get my license.  I had also taking 2 driving lessons and attended Risk 1 and Risk 2 in 2011.  Seeing that it had been 3 years since I last drove in Sweden, I decided to practice with a driving school.  I scheduled four lessons and after those four, my instructor declared I was ready for the uppkörning.  I was thrilled – every lesson that I don’t need saves me 1200 kr!  He encouraged me to call the driving school the next day to book a time with Trafikverket.  However, as I was traveling a lot during the next few weeks, I decided it was too much hassle to try to match my schedule with his and then with an opening at Trafikverket.  In the end, I called and scheduled my own time at Trafikverket: the theory test during the morning and the practical test in the afternoon.

Theory Attempt #1, Stockholm City: Passed. The theory test is 65 questions, and you need a 52 to pass.  I got a 53!

Driving Attempt #1, Sollentuna: Failed.  My test was at 14:45.  I figured this should be early enough in the day to avoid most traffic.  My driving inspector was a man in his early 40s.  He produced a Windows Surface tablet and checked my ID.  After verifying my identity, he asked if I had another driver’s license in an EES state.  Nope, I said.  Signed my name on the tablet and went to the car, a diesel VW Golf station wagon.  He asked me to perform a pretty basic “säkerhetskontroll” – a safety check of the car – he wanted me to check that the handbrake worked.  I put the car in neutral, released the handbrake, and let the car roll backwards a few centimeters.  Passed!  We drove through a lot of roundabouts, got on the freeway, got off the freeway, went through a few residential neighborhoods, backed the car around a corner, and then back to the Trafikverket office.

Failed, he said.  “You were going too fast in the 30 km zones, you don’t know how to drive through a roundabout, and you stopped when you don’t need to.  You need to look further ahead so you can plan better.”  Fair enough.  Up until this point, I hadn’t practiced driving in roundabouts.  I studied up on roundabouts and watched a bunch of videos on how you’re supposed to drive through them.  Okay, yep, I was doing them wrong…

Driving Attempt #2, Jakobsberg: Failed. I scheduled the test for Jakobsberg.  My test was at 13:50 and my driving inspector was a lady in her late 40s. We went driving and she directed me to Jakobsberg Centrum.  Oops, I was in the wrong lane so I had to turn into a parking lot, reverse, and get the car going on the right path.  Not a good start.  The driving route was similar: roundabouts, freeway, residential, some car reversing, and back to the office.  I thought I had done okay until she said “this is only a 30 km road, slow down”.  Shit, I thought – I could have sworn I saw a 40 sign!

She failed me.  At this stage I was a bit shocked that I had failed twice – after all, I thought I was a master at maneuvering the vehicle! I was heading to the US, so I scheduled another test for after I returned.

I also scheduled a long lesson with my driving school to practice in Jakobsberg a few days before the test.

Driving Attempt #3, Jakobsberg: Failed.  It was at 09:00 in the morning which was a fantastic idea, by the way – everyone’s already at work, and since the stores are still closed, there isn’t as much as traffic on the road.  My driving inspector was the same woman.  Damnit, I thought… this isn’t going to be good.  This time, I stopped a little too far into the intersection and passed a red light.  Not only that, but when she had me to go through a small residential area, I misshifted and I kept trying to get the car started for almost a whole minute.  Talk about awkward!  However, she did say that my roundabouts and freeway driving was fine.

Driving Attempt #4, Jakobsberg: Failed. My test was at 07:20 in the morning, which was a bad idea as there was a lot of traffic on the road.  I got a new guy in his 40s, who also took me to a residential area and had me go up a hill.  This time I shifted correctly, but tried to get it into 2nd gear too quickly.  He also thought I didn’t drive well through the roundabouts.

Driving Attempt #5, Jakobsberg: Failed. I scheduled my test for 10:00 as I didn’t want to deal with the traffic.  Again, a new inspector.  He failed me for how I shifted onto and off the freeway, but at least he took the time after the test to give me some practical feedback.

I only had a week left before my theory test expired.  I was so frustrated at this point that I was close to postponing the whole process until the spring.  But as I started thinking about it, I decided to book more attempt.

Driving Attempt #6, Jakobsberg: Passed.  I scheduled my test for 10:00 again (I’m telling you, the time makes a difference).  Another new inspector, but with a bonus participant.  She brought along a older man who was going through the accreditation process to teach at a driving school.  He sat in the backseat and didn’t say much, but the inspector was very social – she kept a conversation going the entire drive.

At this point I had driven in Jakobsberg several times and since there are only so many roads they take you through, I’ve had driven through pretty much all of them.  We went through almost all of the same routes, but the one thing I hadn’t done before was parallel parking. It was the first time that I had been asked to do this, but I nailed it, of course – comes with living in San Francisco. 🙂

I was asked to drive around a few residential neighborhoods, and somewhere in that process she picked up her Windows Surface tablet and punched in a few things.  Shit, I thought, she’s already failed me.

When we arrived back at the office, she asked me how it felt.  I responded, “I don’t know.”  And I really didn’t… I had already failed so many times.  She smiled and said that I drove “okay” – as in not terrible, but not awesome either, but good enough to pass.  I gave her the biggest smile, gave her a hug, and told her that I had tried 5 times already.  She knew, of course, and went on to give me some tips to help me be an even better driver.

My driver's license

WOW – what a feeling. I was on clouds when I walked back to the Jakobsberg train station.  I received the driver’s license in the mail two days later (fast!) and safely tucked it into my wallet.  (You have to pay an invoice of 150 kr for making the card,)

And yes, the whole process costs a ton of money.  That driver’s license was worth about 15,000 kr all said and done (about USD $2100!) but half of that went to my driving tests… 🙂

So what were the lessons that I learned?  Well, the driver’s license process in Sweden is difficult. Don’t think that just because you’ve driven a car before in the US that you’ll be able to pass it.  Don’t rush it – just accept that they want Swedish drivers to drive a certain way.  You might fail it a few times, but just accept it and keep trying!

(originally published November 2014)

106 thoughts on “Getting a driver’s license in Sweden (B-körkort)

  1. Nidhi

    Haha.. Very well written. Was fun to read it all and very very useful. One question if you could answer: Should we only buy latesy str book version ( i guess 25 is latest) or even older version like 19-24 would work same? Do you think they change some details every year in their books?? Have yours on sale in Stockholm?

    1. calkenneth

      Most books within the last few years should work. I wouldn’t go further back than 3 years though.

      I borrowed my book from a friend so unfortunately I have nothing for sale!

      Good luck!

  2. Lore

    Well done!
    Questions! Did you pay for every driving attempt you did?
    And, what would you recommend, taking the whole classes or just take what you think is necessary, and if this the case, what is that? Sorry, but I feel so lost!

  3. calkenneth

    Hi Lore,
    Yes, I had to pay for every attempt… 1200 kr each (800 for the test, 400 for the car rental). It got expensive quite quickly. 🙁

    I would recommend taking a few official lessons to get the feel of the laws and regulations. There are nuances with the rules that you may not know if you come from a different country. That said, you can definitely practice privately until you feel comfortable with the car, etc.

  4. Lore

    Thank u for your quick answer!
    I’m just starting with this, I’m not sure about which way to follow. I’m actually a spanish native speaker. I’ve being told I could take the test in spanish, but still, all the rest of the lessons are in swedish and the book in english, do you think it will get too messy? It’s gonna take a while since my baby is now crawling!
    And, when you called to book a time, how long did they take to give you an appointment? Just to know if I shoul call now to get a time in 2 months.
    Thanks again!

    1. calkenneth

      Yes, you can take the written test in Spanish. But I would actually recommend doing it in English because then it would match the text being used in the theory books. It actually doesn’t matter which language you want to take it in because you can switch it on the fly. I took the test in English but I studied in both Swedish and English. Whenever I wanted to make sure I understood the question correctly, I would switch the question language just to see if I could pick up any nuances from the way the question was worded in the different languages.

      I booked my times online, which you can also do. It’s fast and you can even do it from your mobile. You can often find times same day too if you check first thing in the morning 🙂 Of course, you can call them too – which I often did when I wanted to change the date of an existing booking.

  5. sabrine

    thank you so much for this! I’m so scared to take this test. I moved to Sweden in August 2014, I’m from Curacao and have a driver license from there and one from NY. I’ve been driving for almost 12 years now and have been driving in sweden since August 2014, my year is almost up so I will have to do this too! I’m really not ready for all these tests 🙁

    1. calkenneth

      At least you’re well prepared for driving in roundabouts! I didn’t drive at all since moving here (except for maybe once my first year) so the traffic rules were foreign to me. I think you’re much better prepared than I am. 🙂

  6. Phuripong

    Thank you very much for sharing your experiences, I am having the practical test next Saturday in Jakobsberg. I am wondering if you still remember the routes that you have done before. Is there any particular area/roundabout that I should aware of?

  7. Geoff

    Just failed my practical today after failing the theory last week. Two complaints 1 I spent a lot of money on the theory package practice questions but hardly any of the ones I got wrong came up. The hundreds of questions I did know we’re hardly touched on.
    2 I failed because I was speeding in a 30 zone fair enough but where are the bloody speed limit signs. Need a miracle from here

    1. calkenneth

      Geoff – I didn’t buy any theory practice books – just read the books and hoped for the best. One trick I used was toggled between English and Swedish (I can read Swedish) since sometimes the questions are stated differently and can clue you in. The other challenge I had with the theory test were the photos – the colors weren’t great in them so I had a hard time telling between red and black text on traffic signs!

      Why did you fail the practical test?

      Phuripong – sorry I didn’t respond in time, but hope it went well! Share your driving route via a comment to this blog.

      1. Geoff

        Thanks for your reply. I failed the practical because I was speeding in a 30 zone which is totally fair enough but where are the speed limit signs? Also my position in the lane when turning was sometimes not far enough left or right and I went a little too quick through crossings where I couldn’t see if traffic was coming. I have two weeks or so to wait for the tests again. Two years and 25 lessons later very very frustrated. Did the test in Gothenburg on the Hisingen route.

  8. calkenneth

    Signs are hard to find – I failed once also due to speeding 🙂 I was driving 40 in a 30 apparently, but in that case, I honestly thought the speed limit was 40!

    You seem to have experienced many of the same challenges I did. Might I ask – are you an American driver, by chance?

    How did it go with your roundabouts?

    1. Geoff

      I am Australian so have had to deal with driving on the right instead of left. Roundabouts highway reverse parking etc was all fine just lack of speed signs. Next time I’ll just go under 30 unless I can see a 50 in the city and see if they fail me for going too slow. I also apparently went too fast turning into a crossing where potential cars were concealed and my position in the lane on some small streets wasn’t perectly left right when turning.

      So two years and 25 lessons later another two weeks or so to have another go at both tests. This really has the potential to ruin a whole summer.

      1. calkenneth

        You don’t have to wait two weeks. I used to check online or call them every day since people are literally always canceling, so I was able to get bookings usually a day or two after another.

        30 always for residential areas but usually 50 on the main roads.

        Good luck!

      2. Geoff

        Thanks I tried that so far no luck every appointment seems to be later. And have a baby due in a couple of weeks and will really need to drive I’m guessing there is no jumping the queue here for that as there wasn’t when we tried to get an apartment anywhere but the Gothenburg ghetto district before our first child I guess it’s summer and a load of people after their license

    2. Geoff

      Three fails and counting and two yesterday which must be some sort of record! I’m going to Alingsas in September if not before for my next test as it’s just too hard with their very high expectations and coping with 27 years of driving habits and the other side of the road.

    1. Geoff

      I missed directions but I don’t think it was that. My gear changes weren’t very smooth sometimes I went into 3rd instead of 5th for example. I drove too slowly 60 in an 80 zone as I didn’t see the 80 zone sign. Also my position in the lane didn’t make it obvious to other traffic where I was going. I failed the safety check as I wasn’t expecting one as the test earlier that day had said I didn’t have to do it as I’d passed it in my first test. It was the only one of two I wasnt sure of the brake servo. I am now going to vanersborg tomorrow at 13:00 to try for the fourth time, a much smaller town (20 000). Minuses I will drive the traffikverk car (about 600 cheaper) and won’t know the roads. My wife is due any day with our second baby so I’m trying not to think about that and it being my fourth test and get my driving mojo back. Very hard after failing two times in the one day. I’ve tried being intensely focused and also confident (but missed a speed sign ) and feel I have missed signs etc because I have talked to much to the instructor. Wish me luck hoping for a miracle tomorrow!

    2. Geoff

      Failed for the fourth time today position in lane speed not quick enough in city centre scanning techniques. 5th try this Wednesday

  9. Zohaib

    Hej Guys, bit similar to the article author i also failed 4 times and passed in 5th attempt. I am a student with a family and spending so much money made me exhausted and hopeless. But i want to say here to all körkort seekers that morning times 9 or 10 am is best for test. One very big thing i learned during tests is to be silent and not engage yourself in talking to instructor because human brain is not good with multi-tasking, so be silent and just focus on driving. What i did was i made myself think that i am driving alone, not for a single second noticed what the instructor is doing or looking at, just focussed on scanning for pedestrians + cars and speed signs. i felt that lack of confidence is also a big issue after some failures, but we have to keep ourself positive because safe driving is most important thing for ourself, our family and other people on road.

    1. Geoff

      Very good points on all three tests that I failed I relaxed and got into long conversations. As a result I missed speed signs and directional ones too. Confidence is hard to build and maybe just thinking you are driving home can help. I hope so fourth attempt today.

  10. jaekim

    so i read your blog months before i took my theory and practical tests so i was prepared for the absolute worst.

    which is probably why i passed both on the first try…i am 45, grew up in California, drove in New York and drove in Los Angeles and also pulled a 21 foot boat on a trailer in socal traffic…so not much rattles me in traffic.

    i wanted to say thanks to you for writing this blog as it really did put the fear of god into me to study hard because failing was not an option. no way. no how…but i have personal reasons that i wont go into that made my situation what it was.

    anyways, lets get into some specifics on my experiences driving, sweden, etc., which might be of help to some of you.

    a) the book is half American english and half UK english. problem is, you don’t know when. as an american, i am familiar with terms like “lorries” but don’t know the technical differences. what is a “queue”…is it a stationary line? aka traffic jam, OR, is it a slow moving line…”xyz is generally NOT permitted unless a queue is forming, in which case, it is permitted to pass on the right”

    you read sentences like that and it goes in one eye, out the other…b/c an american thinks, “queue forming” oh…like cars are stacking up…i get it…then you FAIL questions on regulations.

    you cannot read the english version of the book and ASSUME terms are what YOU think they are. you have to ask questions to your teacher. you have to print out or write down question numbers so you can look them up and understand the rules.

    look, 95% of the rules here are identical to the US…its the 5% that really mess you up…BADLY

    for example, i am used to driving in california. there, it is illegal to talk/text/play with your phone. here, it is not. in the US you need to pull over if you are making a call without a bluetooth setup. here, you are not allowed to pull over to make a call (unless its in a parking spot, etc.) here, you can drive through a pedestrian lane if someone is walking if they are “far enough” away. in santa monica, if you cross the line if a pedestrian is across the street but is in the crosswalk you will get a ticket. period.

    part of passing the test is unlearning what you know. and what you THINK is right b/c thats what you are used to in the US. make it your goal to pass the test, NOT bitch about how backwards some of the rules here are vs. back home. trust me, i wasted a lot of time before i figured out the goal is PASS THE F*ING TEST and NOT a phd in comparative driving laws.

    b) the actual test questions are sometimes formulated on implicit data vs. explicit. for example, the 3,500 kg car + trailer rule. i kept failing this because (my background towing my boat) it would be automotive suicide to drive a 1,750 kg trailer with a 1,750 kg car. there are questions like: you have a 1,750 kg car how heavy of a load can you tow? the answer, 1,750 b/c of the 3,500 kg rule.

    transmission failure is all but guaranteed at 80 mph eventually. HOWEVER, there is nothing in the rules that state a ratio between car vs. trailer…so 50/50 is within the law. stupid? yes. damaging to your car? absolutely. but not against the law. my teacher said, “jae…you are thinking too much…you and i both know it shouldn’t be done…but its not illegal” so my point, as you read the book. keep an eye out for things like this.

    c) driving test. oohhh man. i got the only guy in Skane that didn’t speak English. we tried to chit chat…then he said, how do you know the brakes work? i was like what? i drove the car here…i know they work b/c i just parked the car. then i realized, oh wow…the TEST is beginning…so i changed modes and said, “well, if this was my friend’s car and i had to drive his car, i would first test by pressing the brake and turning on the car and see how the pedal felt…does it go down, does it go to the floor, etc., etc.”

    bjorn then smiled and seemed very pleased with that answer…and we went to the next step.

    as we drove around town he tried to make small talk…but i think he was watching me the entire time…did i see the big truck obscuring the pedestrian? yes. did i make panic decisions or was i calm and in control and aware at all times?

    we got on the motorway, he told me to head towards gothenberg…then i made the mistake of getting in the left lane. he blurted WHY are you going in that lane? then i saw the next sign and apologized. i explained that in LA we have 5 lane freeways EACH direction and its habit to get into lane 2-3 b/c lane 1 is always an exit lane…BUT, i understand i am now driving in sweden and respect the rules/laws here. bjorn then laughed and said, “yes, two lanes are enough in most of Sweden…just remember, you are here and not in Los Angeles.”

    we tried to talk about life and driving and i said, “after this test i need to get an enhanced b card” and he almost ended the test…

    he said, “what?”

    i said, enhanced b…so i can drive a heavier load than 3,500 kg b/c i have a big SUV that is 3,000 kg by itself. (please recall what i said before about quirky translations)…as soon as he heard the weights he calmed down.

    he said, what is an “enhanced b”…i have never heard of that…and i’m a driving test person. i said, that is what they call the license for +3,500 kg in the english book. i think swedish people call it a 96 card. “oh yes, that i know…but enhanced b, i do not know…i thought you were saying you were going to drink enhanced beer after our test”

    ***so 2 points. 1) don’t talk about alcohol or anything that could be misconstrued as alcohol during a driving test. 2) the english version of the book, again, can be dodgy at times. oh, i guess there is a 3rd point. this is random…but in sweden driving while tired is considered as bad as driving drunk…which is NO JOKE here.

    when people ask you, did you have a good night’s sleep…they are not asking a pleasantry…its a trick question. DO NOT say things like, “oh not really…i couldn’t sleep b/c of the test today…or my kid kept me up all night crying…or no, i was up late or up early brushing up on the rules” THEY DO NOT CARE about your attempt to over achieve.

    they want to hear, “yes…i went to bed early b/c i know its very important to be fresh and alert when you are driving…” ***end of points comments, back to driving test.


    well, i don’t drink…i’m allergic to alcohol i told him…so don’t worry about that.

    d) philosophical differences in driving.
    environment: no jack rabbit starts obviously. as a kid growing up driving stick, i was taught to try to keep RPMs in the 2500 range so you could “power through” surprises. here, nope! YOU SHOULD BE DRIVING SLOW ENOUGH TO STOP in surprises.

    it matters a lot on the driving part b/c the instructors like to see low RPMs. i would never drive at 1,100 rpm going 40 mph in 4th/5th gear the US in a city street…thats right about stall…guess what?!? YOU, ME…WE AINT DRIVING IN THE US…

    the flip side is, they love “flow” so you don’t stop every corner…roundabouts, etc., if no car is coming, no pedestrians, you just go. any place where you see a row of triangles, you slow down but keep going.

    the US is all about stop lights and stop signs…once you get over the “triangles means slow down NOT stop” and adjust, you’ll be fine.

    e) both my test proctor and my instructor both said curious things to me as we parted ways. they said, “hey…glad we met. congrats. i don’t want to see you again. understand?” my instructor said to drop by and say hi sometime…but i don’t want to see you again. understand?

    WTF is that all about.

    well, i figured out what they meant as i was driving home. i remembered in my theory test how guys wearing work clothes were getting up and finishing 20 minutes into the test. i was like, huh? how do these guys know it so well?

    then another group finishes 5 mins after that group…and i was only half done.

    by the time i was done 2/3 of the class was gone.

    then i realized what it was. all these guys had their license taken…and were retesting. thats why they know the material so well…and that’s why everyone kept saying, “I DON’T WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN”

    in other words. like the US, driving is a PRIVILEGE not a RIGHT…and at 10 bucks a gallon, or 12, you should understand what that means here.

    e) be calm. be focused. be relaxed, but ‘ready to act’. know the basics of driving smoothly in traffic and you’ll pass.

    oh, last one on driving test. the last sign before we went back was a 3 way T intersection with stop LIGHTS and stop SIGN on the right hand turn and he said, turn right up ahead.

    the light was green, but wait…the stop sign!!!

    no, if the light is working, the sign does not exist…i slowed down, cars were coming, but i made the right turn without stopping.

    after that he ended the test 15 minutes early…

    my suggestion to you all…know the rules…don’t be overly cautious, don’t be overly aggressive. for example, don’t drive 20 kmh b/c you are next to a school and there is no traffic and no kids.

    know when you should stop and give the bus signaling they are coming off the stop, REGARDLESS OF HOW MANY CARS are behind you.

    basically, when you take the test…drive like you would if you had your children in the car. carefully, cautiously, but not afraid…and definitely not intimidated. i think some of these test folks wonder, “if they are intimidated by ME and all i’m doing is tell him/her to drive left/right, blah blah…how will they act in a REAL stressful situation”

    suggestion from me…go into the test with the same attitude…FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION. it will focus you on what is important…if you think, “if i fail, i can do it again…oh well…” maybe that will be your outcome. again. and again. and again.

    my 2 cents.

    and again, thanks for the original blog post. it helped me a lot to focus on taking the tests seriously. no one gives a crap here how many years you have been driving *insert home country*…you are in sweden. remember that.

    1. KAT KATI

      Thanks a lot for your info Big Bro! I have liked it , loved it and enjoyed it from the start to the finish. Trust me you r damn straight to the point, myself I am taking both next week same day. The fact is that even though it’s gonna be ma first time to take it we make a serious mistake we foreigners, it does not matter what color you are but if you are not born here then you fall in this category. ”WE ARE LIKE, I HAVE BEEN DRIVING FOR 10,20 OR 25 YEARS” but we forget that all those years we talk about have not been here. So to make a long story short as you said it’s better to get positive and focused ,otherwise it’s no good to whine. One question if you don’t mind , if I know nothing about the city or place am to do the test can the instructor show me roads?

      1. calkenneth

        I actually asked my driving school instructor to take me to the area where the driving test will take place. He gave me directions and showed me all of the common areas that the inspectors use; even showed me all of the danger spots (i.e. unclear signage, or dangerous intersections, etc).

        I would highly recommend practicing around the same time as your driving test. Believe it or not, the traffic load and time of day is an incredibly important variable in your test.

        I’d definitely ask your driving school to do this for you so you don’t go in blind. Definitely one of the easiest things that you can do to prepare!

  11. Mehedi Hassan

    Got the Swedish license on the last 16th October, 2015. Feeling so relieved! Got 54 on Theory and then Passed Körprov on the 16th. Took the exam in english! Reading your blog gave me good tips! Thanks! 🙂

      1. Mehedi Hassan

        Yeah Man! Actually When I was almost sure that im gonna pass the theory test, I was not concentrating some bottom questions…ha ha! You know how does it feel! Needed to pass on Theory, not making myself Top 😀

        I bought my car recently and driving around places around my living places! Its fun now…truely! No instructor is firing on my ear nowadays…ha ha! Now when I look back, how difficult Manual driving was to me! I almost thought that, why not taking Automatic? Now it seems funny what I thought! Without driving with Manual, I wouldn’t have enjoyed driving like I do now! I truly recommend everyone to learn Manual!

        And for preparing the exam ( Practical test ) I recommend everyone to drive around the more complicated traffic situations i.e busy time, busy streets, at lots of junctions, following Directional traffic signs!

        Please let me know if I can help anyone here with any information about Körprov!

  12. Rico

    This blog and the comments are very much encouraging. Currently attending driving lessons from a school. Thank you!

    1. calkenneth

      Great, Rico! Don’t forget to ask the instructor (when they tell you that you’re “ready” for the tests) to take you through one of the common test areas. Try to get them to take you at the same time that you intend to take the test – the time of day (and even which day) is quite relevant.

  13. dSanguined8

    Hi calkenneth ( and others commenters)

    I found this blog-post after figuring out that I might need to carve down this path of a Swedish driving license also. I am originally from Ireland, but I lived in Switzerland for a few years before moving here.

    I had exchanged my Irish license (which I have had since 2006) for a Swiss one. I did not change my Swiss for a Swedish within the 1st year since I was not sure if was going to stay here. However, now I know I shall stay and the 1-year deadline is past. I have spoken with Transport Styrelsen and had varying reports on what I can do. The firs person I spoke to ensured that it would be fine, just fill out the exchange forms, eye test, health declaration, pay 600 SEK and it should be fine – I double and triple checked with them about this since the 1 year deadline was gone. ‘No problem’ she said.

    As you can imagine what happened next, I received a letter saying that this exchange would not be possible. However, I have a direct contact person within the Transport Styrelsen now, which is something. She says that what I was told by her colleague was incorrect (as I had thought) and they are sending me back my Swiss license, minus my 600SEK! They will not refund, despite it having been at their behest that I take the path they suggested – grrrr. The next step suggested by them is to provide proof of the validity of my Irish license, which I no longer have since it was exchanged for my Swiss one (are you still following me? I’m not!!). I have requested a “Statement of Entitlement” regarding my license from Ireland, which unfortunately states that I did exchange it. This letter may not be enough, since the contact person explicitly stated that the declaration letter should not allude to the exchange – just that the license is valid. So this is my next step – send in the letter, pay ANOTHER 600 sek and see what happens.

    If THAT doesn’t work out, then I either try and get a re-issue of my Irish license, which would at the least require me to show up in person and exchange it for my Swiss one, and possible being technical about it, show that I have taken up residency in Ireland again (but since I’m still in the EU this shouldn’t matter right? )Once I get that Irish license (cost unknown), I then bring it back here to Sweden and exchange it for a Swedish one…I am not sure whether that will work, and I would rather not have to travel back to Ireland just for this, and as for the above stated reasons it may not work.

    The last, and least desirable, path is to take the test – and for that reason I find myself here, both horrified and bemused (just weary I guess) at the descriptions here – but it is usefull preparatory information for me. If I need to take the test path, thanks to this post I know the ins and outs much better than before – thank you!!!

    1. calkenneth

      I was reading up on the Transportstyrelsen rules and unfortunately it looks like you’re shit out of luck when it comes to exchanging the Swiss card for a Swedish one.

      Maybe you can move out of Sweden and move back in after a few months 🙂

      (I remember when I was going through the practical tests, I was getting so frustrated with my failures that I seriously considered swapping my California license for a different US state, which I could use to exchange in Germany, which I would in turn exchange for a Swedish one. Yes, that’s how desperate I got…)

  14. Chengiskhan

    Thanks for your blogg and all those who contributed. It is very encouraging to read about your experiences. I just failed my second practical test on 4 counts. 1) drove into a forbidden zone (carpark) to reverse the car out. Frankly, I didn’t see the sign until I crossed the opened gate. Too late. The sign was hidden by the tree branches! 2) The 1-2-3 rule before switching lanes. I inched into the (empty) lane at the same time making the check over my shoulder. Wrong… Must check first before the wheels starts to crawl over the lane. 4) Tester said that I should follow sign to XYZ. I missed that. This is no good too. 3) Speed at 80 on a 70 kph limit because some nut was tail-gating me. I got stressed that he might drive into me. Well, my lady tester apparently didn’t think so.

    My test was at Farsta, Stockholm. You are right about the choosing morning hours to take the test. But I also think the ‘type’ of tester one encounters in the morning matters too 🙂 I’m going to try again next week.

    1. calkenneth

      Best of luck Chengiskhan!

      You already figured this out the hard way, but keep to the speed limit. The inspectors are ruthless about this. Stay in the slow lane, and don’t worry about people tailgating you. Stick within the speed limit and let the other cars drive around you.

      Did you do okay with all of the roundabouts? 🙂

      1. Chengiskhan

        My driving instructor made me practised a lot on roundabouts because where I came from, there is no roundabout :D. All roundabouts were taken out like in the 70-80s.
        The horrid thing is that during the test, I got to do the double roundabouts near to Globen-Arena 2 area. So anyone taking test at Farsta be prepared to practice on this one. Tricky to keep to the correct lane. I managed in this ‘double’ roundabout because it was at 9:00 am – very few cars. Lucky.

  15. Andreia Vianna Mommers

    Such a relief to read this post…. After 30 years driving in a big city in Brazil it is very hard to listen that you failed in the 2nd driving test… I never taught it could be that difficult. Is there no exceptions for this 2 months rule? I am afraid if I fail on more time I will have to repeat the teory test….it is the end of the year… I wish I could have found this tips before….

    1. calkenneth

      Hi Andreia,
      You can always ask for a waiver to the 2 month rule. I tried, but you have to submit an “application fee” for the request with no guarantee that they’ll grant the waiver. I figured it wasn’t worth spending more money so I bit the bullet and scheduled a bunch of tests instead 🙂

  16. JungAtHeart

    Hi everyone,
    Thanks for all your helpful tips and suggestions. One question I have is how similar is the actual written test to the practice test questions that are given by STR? I’ve studied the book and the practice test help me understand what they want me to focus on and know. If I’m able to consistently pass all the STR practice questions, will the real test be very similar or even some of the same questions?

  17. JungAtHeart

    Having just taken the theory, I can give some updates on the actual test. It’s computer-based and similar to the STR questions, but not exactly the same. The visual format looks a little older and there aren’t pictures for all the questions (even if the STR ones don’t always add much to the question.) I got some questions that I hadn’t run into in my practice tests, and the real questions are exactly the same; they just (mostly) cover the same topics.

    Like someone else mentioned you can toggle between English and Swedish / or other languages. At my testing station I also got a calculator (no paper or pencil though). Mobile phones had to be turned off.

    I passed, yippee! and now just have the practical exam left at Farsta.

    I found some Youtube videos helpful that were posted by
    Anilkumar Kothapalli. He shows the practice tests (in English) & answers… which I used to play/pause and review. It’s helpful & often faster than doing all the tests only on your own and then hunting down the correct answers in the book if you miss things. Was good in a time crunch.

    Here’s an example of some:

    1. calkenneth


      Awesome – congratulations, and thanks for sharing information about the test. The calculator is mostly used for calculating the amount of weight you are allowed to tow, right? Maybe something about speed too, such as how much braking distance is at a certain speed… I can’t recall what other questions might require a calculator.

    1. Geoff

      I should have posted that on my fifth attempt I passed on August 7th. The day my wife came home with our second baby daughter from the hospital. So it was an amazing feeling obviously the joy of being a father for the second time and finally climbing the license mountain. I took my fourth and fifth practical teats in vanersborg as i could get in earlier than gothenburg. If you have trouble in the city I would highly recommend this. I have now driven through part of the city but different in test pressure. The relief was immense after all the time and emotion I’d poured into it. I feel like I am a better driver for the process just dominated the summer as well as having a terrible two years old daughter another on the way a bathroom being renovated and lots of rain keeping us inside it was quite a challenging time!

    1. Geoff

      I would say more relaxed especially the last guy but only in the sense that even though all 5 were fair one man said to me in my second test that he would have passed me if I had have indicated out of a roundabout then wrote a long email about all my mistakes. I can’t fault any for failing me there were reasons. With vanersborg it’s tricky to get to by tram train etc and I had to just wait there for an hour on the first attempt there which was hard mentally.

  18. keshava

    Can you please share the different test routes being taken in Jakobsberg test place?
    Also if some one know about Fårsta also, please share. It would be helpful.

    1. calkenneth

      Here’s the route I took … heard from my friend who recently took his test in Jakobsberg that the route hasn’t changed that much.

      I took a right from the parking lot and another right at the roundabout on Viksjöleden towards Jakobsberg Centrum. Continued left on Ynglingavägen and passed all of the construction and then towards Vasavägen. After that I couldn’t recall the streets, but I had to parallel park and drive on E18 towards Enköping. I was also asked to turn the car around in a residential neighborhood (I chose to back around a corner). I drove back towards Stockholm and then the Trafikverket building via Folkungavägen.

  19. Alex

    Nice post.

    I’m from Canada, driven 15+ years and just completed my license here in Stockholm.

    It took me 4 times to pass the driving test in Farsta. They really don’t look to see if you know how to drive and do so legally, most important is if you can do it safely. So even if you break no laws or rules it’s possible (and easy) to fail. Especially in Farsta where pass rate is only 40%!

      1. Alex


        First test – Terrible, terrible weather early in the morning. Little or no visibility. So I drove slowly and carefully most of the time. I failed when I drove through a residential 30km/hr zone and did not slow down even more (below 30) when approaching an intersection. Instructor stated that a car/kid could come out and I needed to almost completely stop….

        Second test – I thought I drove well. Instructor said little during the ride. Didn’t feel like I made any mistake. At the end he told me that I drove “too aggressively”. Starting and stopping too suddenly, etc. No one else ever mentioned this and he had no concrete example. This result bothered me a bit.

        Third test – I was asked to go left in a big, two-lane, roundabout. I wasn’t thinking properly and was in the right hand lane. I only realised this as I was already going into the roundabout but it was too late. While legally ok to have gone left from there the instructor said it wasn’t safe. I also got dinged because I drove in the middle lane on a 3-lane highway. Apparently you should always be in the right hand lane except to pass. (Which is fine, but cars there were going 60-70km/h and I would have been going in and out, no one really drives like this! 🙂 ). This test I felt like it was fair not to pass since I should have known better.

        4th test – Again terrible weather. Early morning so lots of traffic which I think helped because the instructor kept me off busy roads (would just sit in traffic) and we stuck to smaller back roads/residential. Basically did what I did the first few times and was passed.

        Note: I took the test driving an Automatic. I know how to drive manual but almost never need to and don’t plan on buying a manual car so rather than worry about the stick I figured this was easier.

        Again – I don’t think I ever really “broke a law”. I just needed to prove that I could drive safely enough. The first and third instructor were helpful and informative. Told me they could see I know how to handle a car and drive but needed to be a safer in certain situations. The second guy was just a jerk imo. 😛

  20. Henrique

    Hi Kenneth and everyone!

    Thanks so much for sharing your experiences. After reading everything I’ve decided to take 7 vacation days in order to focus on that. Yesterday I passed my driving test at the first attempt!

    The most difficult part was at the beginning because the inspector didn’t want to speak in English – I asked him twice but it didn’t work. So, I had a hard time to understand the instructions and to focus on the road at the same time. I had to breath and trust my skills despite the situation…

    After driving for approximately 15 min I started to ask him some questions in English (small talk) and surprisingly he end up answering in English! After that everything got so much easier 🙂

    I’m super happy! o/

  21. jovana

    I wanted to add my experience since I read this post and conversation thread when preparing for my Swedish driving exam. I just got my license three weeks ago in Malmö. I have to say reading this forum, I was terrified of failing and taking this test numerous times, especially considering I’m 8 months pregnant.
    I managed to get both written and driving on the first go, in Malmö and on an automatic transmission, so could be a different experience if you’re driving in bigger cities like Gothenburg or Stockholm.
    Like most of you I’ve been driving a while, 17 years, in Canada, mainly in Toronto.
    I took probably 5-6 lessons prior to the test so I’d understand what to look out for. They were toughest on me extra safe/cautious/slow in busy city areas, especially because of bikes/pedestrians and I sucked at roundabouts. They also gave me a lot of feedback that I wasn’t totally comfortable on country roads. We went over those areas a couple times and then I went for the test.
    The test itself…I prepared a lot for this internal/external check of the car and he didn’t ask me any of it. We did city driving, went on the highway for probably 15ish minutes, switched highways 2-3 times and then back to the city.
    So, that was my experience. It did take a lot of preparation and money (in total probably 10,000SEK). The studying took a couple months, and the lessons I took. But all in all, happy to get it out of the way and fairly quickly.
    Good luck!

  22. Patrick (Fake Name)

    Hi Kenneth,

    Thanks for the post. It helped me get my DL. Certain points I’d like to add for anyone reading and wanting to take the test in the future.


    Don’t underestimate the theory test. There are going to be a number of questions that are ‘applied’. Not simple stuff to remember. Practice questions really well from the youtube link above or the korkortteori page. Contact me, I have some time on the website that someone else can use for free


    Don’t hesitate in spending on driving lessons. You’ll end up paying more if you fail tests.

    1. Candy

      I am about to do my both test next month but would like to ask few questions to help me out.
      Yes I am about to conclude my year here in jönköping same time I am driving and got all the material books through a driving school,which most things I should be careful with due to my upcoming test Theory/driving.
      I have confidence but people keep making me nervous with thier failure times before getting it which make me scared.
      Thank you so much for this article!

  23. Jonathan

    First off, I just want to say thank you for posting this entry (and to all those who have shared their stories) as I can refer back to it when I fail my test and explain to my partner that it is in fact, quite common no to succeed right off the bat 🙂

    I’m from Washington State and took my driver’s license when I was 16. I hadn’t driven in Sweden for basically any of the 12 years that I have been living here until only recently when we bought a car after the birth of our second child. I know it may sound a bit strange to those of you who are aware of the 12-month validity period, but my partner and I had moved to Norway and then back to Sweden… so I got a second go at the one year rule. Great to have that option open… not so great trying to get insurance for a car on a license that is not issued in the EU, though (was about three times greater than if the car was registered in my partner’s name, so I just gave her ownership and saved a good SEK 14K per year – highly recommend doing if you have a partner with a SWE driver’s license and you have bought a car in your name).

    Anyway, my 12 months are nearing their end and while I consider myself to be very comfortable with the rules of the road in Sweden, the whole “drive safely” thing scares the crap out of me. It’s an interpretation thing rather than a right and wrong kind of situation, which I can’t stand. It’s like the pass interference rule in the NFL. Basically you’re at the whim of the examiner, who, depending on their mood, may just decide to fail you because you gave a weak hand shake or wore the color blue. To be fair, the DMV back in the states is not particularly the most cheerful bunch, either, and it’s certainly not a place you’d want to spend a second longer than necessary. Either way, I just hope to get someone fair.

    I haven’t actually paid for any lessons but am now more than convinced that I will need at least one or two before I take the tests. This has been a major hang-up for me as I probably would have gotten my driver’s license a lot earlier had it not been for the costs. I’m not over the moon at the idea of heaving out five digits to obtain a card the proves I can do something I already know like the back of my hand. I mean, I paid USD 160 for my entire driver’s education class, which included the cost of the theory and practical tests + an extra 25 bucks for the actual license. Prices here are ridiculous. It’s enough of an issue that I’ve actually even considered taking the test somewhere outside of Stockholm (where I live) for reduced congestion, but figure a lot will depend on the next two weeks that I spend in Prague on holiday. I figure that if I can drive in Prague, where half of the drivers suffer from road rage and the other half are drunk, chances are it will be alright in Stockholm, too. Big thanks for the tip on time of day, though, as I will certainly keep that in mind when booking my test.

    I won’t take my tests for about another month or so but will try to keep you informed as to how they go.

    Thanks again and good luck to everyone in the same situation!

  24. Popos

    It’s really complicated here to obtain the driving licence, it has nothing to do about if you’re a good driver or not, it’s all about luck as I guess,anyway I would suggest to anyone who can get it from another EU country to not hesitate and do it.

  25. Ben (not my real name)


    This post is really amazing! Helped me a lot to gain confidence by realizing that I have people who share the same experience. I enjoyed reading this post and also the comments. I appreciate all the people who shared their experiences and I thought it would be nice to share mine. I am from the Philippines and I work full time here in Sweden. I have never driven before and I am not that young. I like to travel a lot and after having some local friends take me on occasional road trips around the country, I became determined to learn. Sweden is such a beautiful country.

    I began to take lessons last autumn in Linköping City where I have lived for nearly 4 years. I took the “intensive course” which consists of theory books, simulated theory tests, introduction, Risk:1 course, slippery course, 15 driving lessons and the actual theory and driving tests.

    The online portal called provides the calendar to book the lessons, simulated theory tests, and charts to track the progress of the student. Because my Swedish is not that good, I chose the theory books and simulated theory tests in English. The class room sessions and Risk:1 however are in Swedish only. For the slippery course, Swedish in the introduction, and English in the car.

    The theory lessons are straight forward but are not mandatory but I attended them all. The introduction, Risk:1 and slippery course are mandatory (by the government) so you have to spend time on these because your attendance will be submitted to the government, which until then, you will not be able to book any tests without them.

    I have never driven a car before so everything were new to me, as in new! Like I didn’t even know how to operate the wipers, lights, hand brake which was only a button (?!) in the school’s car. I was plainly ignorant of these. First driving lesson, it was the instructor who drove first to take us to a clear area then we switch seats and let me try. There I learned the basics, and it was like this for 8 lessons, until finally he handed me the keys and let be the one to drive away from the school. My 10th lesson, we began to drive around town and that really got me nearly shit my pants. I didn’t understand the signs quickly and didn’t know how to use the lanes. My eyes never scan the surroundings that much and I drove so slow. At least I didn’t hurt anyone but perhaps annoyed a lot of drivers behind me. Or on the funny side, at least, they were cautioned because the car I was driving is completely covered by warnings and the name of the school in big letters. After my 15th, my instructor asked me to try driving an automatic car because this is what will be used in the slippery course. He noticed that I drove better and more consistently.

    Then November came and I have to travel therefore I had to stop. I came back to school after a month, booked more lessons and decided to try to continue with the automatic transmission instead. I figured, hmmm I am not that young, if I want to get my license maybe I should take a “faster” way for me. And my goal is only to get to travel from point A to B with company of friends or my “future dog” perhaps. So there, automatic it is, I think I learned quicker. The holidays came and I had to pause again. I had to book more driving lessons because my instructor felt that I still needed them. To be honest I started to doubt my instructor because I felt like I have stopped learning. He is a very nice person and I guess a friend too but I felt that I have to move on and try something else. I remember when he said he wants everything to be “perfect”. I even felt a slight cringe and shame on myself when I learned that he will be sitting with us during the real driving test if I will use the school’s car (was I that bad?!). That got me running away and remembered from this post that I can actually book the tests privately with the Trafikverket’s car. So I did book it on the last week of June (this week!).

    Now that I have a confirmed booking on Trafikverket, this is like I set my own deadline to motivate myself to finish before the summer. However I went to travel again on May and came back in the middle of June. I booked some more driving lessons from another company and I got a new instructor and he is very kind and thinks that I can actually pass the test. That really got me motivated!

    Working full time, it was very hard to find time to read the books in one go. Finally I finished the books in one seating and answered the simulation tests, which you need to repeat again and again to have different sets of questions appear out of the thousands! Darn did I realize I made a mistake on procrastinating reading those books because it would be highly beneficial if the books and the driving lessons were done in parallel. Even the smallest texts matter.

    I took the exam last Monday and passed. The questions were very close to the simulated theory tests. It was a relief but I realized that from that day, if I fail the driving test, I only have two months to pass it and July and most of August is the summer break!

    I took the driving test this morning at 10:45H, it was a Volvo V40 but I drove Volkswagen Golf on lessons so I got a bit worried because the size is slightly different and it basically felt different. First my examiner briefed me on what we will be doing and made me sign something on his tablet and asked me to verbally say that I don’t have any driving license from any EES country. Then asked me to check the tires if they were ok, I studied all four wheels and said ok. Back in the car again, fixed the mirrors, fasten my seatbelt, started the engine, we got out of the parking, continued around town, did some reversing, drove on a very large roundabout, and many more other roundabouts of different sizes, continued on country roads, and clearways and more following signs then back. I was a bit worried because his facial reaction never changed until when he said congratulations I passed the test and shook my hand with a smile. I was so happy that finally I have accomplished this. I even felt some butterflies in my stomach when my examiner told me that I can legally drive a car on my own or rent one beginning at that moment. I don’t have to wait for my card; as long as I have a valid ID (it can be checked in the system).

    Most of the money I spent went to driving lessons because perhaps of the level of which I started from which was zero. Just to give a hint, I had a total of 42 driving lessons! I am just happy I passed both theory and practical tests on the first go.

    Some tips, study the theory book and the Swedish signs book cover to cover and answer all the simulated theory tests! The portal is also available as a mobile app so you can do this almost anywhere as long as you have internet coverage.

    For the driving part, I am not sure if my examiner just forgot to give me remarks or tips but he didn’t. But I have been asking around before my test and the most common tip is to move your eyes and neck almost always specially when in a build-up area! Do a quick learn forward to scan a crossing and always make it obvious for the examiner to see! They watch you on how you look at the mirrors, how you scan the surroundings most importantly turning your neck to see the blind spots. They have a special mirror in front of them which is directed at your face! And of course, drive safely and considerate to other road users. Avoid unnecessary stops like when approaching a red light, a yield sign, or when entering the roundabout because this is not good for the environment. For the driving lessons, book two consecutive slots if you have time, it’s better than a single 40mins lesson. Lastly, I booked one driving lesson an hour before my actual test to review and to drive on the most probable routes which the examiner will take you and last minute tips.

    There, sorry for it’s very long, got a bit carried away. But I hope it could be useful. Good luck!

  26. Marie

    It is really hard/frustrating to get a driving licence in Sweden..Failed my second attempt of practical driving yesterday despite that I did a 2 weeks intensive course plus some extra lesson (before the test)at”good”driving school. Of course it is my own fault that I failed.I feel so hopeless and stress at the moment because it is so hard to book test now that semester is coming.keep checking and the earliest available time is after 2 months which means my theory test will already expire.I need a miracle to be able to get a license.

    1. calkenneth

      @Marie: I hear you there… but don’t give up! Even though it took me 6 times, even I did it 🙂

      If you have a flexible schedule, keep checking the site for different times too. Sometimes you can find times the same day. Alter your locations too.

      Best of luck!

      1. Jonathan

        Be open to taking the test in another city too if times are tight. It might give you a few extra attempts at it.

  27. Marie

    I am obsessed and keep checking available times at different places but still no luck.The soonest available time is Sept.Oh well I hope my lucky day will come soon

    1. Candy

      Thank you so much,I did ask you questions in my comments but you didn’t answer.One was how to calculate stopping distance.i am reading the theory books and same time driving for that one year.But people keep scaring me by discouraging me which I hate and making me nervous.

  28. Marie

    Hi everyone,

    Just wondering if anyone could help me.I had passed my Test on July 5 but failed my driving test.Since booking is so tight during this time,the soonest available time I can book is after 2 months.,Sept 6(kunskapsprov) September 13(Driving)(my kunskapsprov will be already expired by then)I had checked another place and there is available time for driving which is July 14 and I said great I can do the test earlier.Unfortunately when I tried to book it the booking system does not allow me to do it and it keep saying”You have not done the other test(kunskapsprov).I called trafikverket and they said something is wrong with their system and suggested that I should cancel my present booking before I can book the körprov or call them if it does not work. It is frustrating that I am not able to book this test.Does anyone experience this booking problem?If so what did you do?Thank you..

  29. ulzha

    Very nice article and comments!

    I wonder if you also experience that Swedish drivers are relatively terrible at indicator use? At roundabout exits, lane changes, unprioritized intersections… Wonder how they passed the uppkörning.

  30. Jenna

    Hi! Any information/directions on where I can find more details about practice driving on my own & the training course that I’ll need to complete together with the person who will supervise and teach me? Thanks in advance! 🙂

  31. Sue

    Hello, calkenneth and all! Thank you so much for your blog post and all contributions. My husband and I are planning to move to Sweden this year–still waiting for the final details–and I thought that I ought to get a jump-start on the big “what’s up with the Swedish driver’s licence” exams. I’m so glad I found this site. You all give such detailed and helpful examples of what to watch out for, how to improve, and I’m very grateful. Swedes are careful drivers in contrast to other EU drivers from what I’ve seen around Europe. I hope that I can imbibe your words (in addition to all of the other hoops that I will jump through) when it comes to exam time. Best wishes to you!

    1. Marie

      You can learn whatever you prefer.But if you learn auto and get the auto licence you can only drive auto and if you learn manual and get the manual licence you can drive both.Some people say it is easy to learn auto than manual.Hope it helps!

      1. crystal

        I had failed many times as well from last winter and take a break until Summer, one week ago the fifth time it was so close to pass if l givewway to the car from left . But last wed the sixth time it was worse, the examier said you are not relax all the time, this weekend l want to try in jonkoping, sat 1130, is there anyone had tested there?

  32. Mithun

    Wen it comes to driving I have zero knowledge. Now I just moved to Sweden and I would like to drive. I know its a tough for me but have confidence. Do schools accept beginners for their classes?

    1. Rico

      Hi Mithun, Same case for me, I started autumn last year. I am in my mid-30’s and have never driven a car before. It was tough to get confidence but if you read the license book and pass the simulation tests that the school will provide, you will get the confidence to begin with. About the practice driving, most Swedish drivers are nice (I mean, comparing to my home country…) so you wont get discouraged. Got my license last summer and got me a second-hand car right away. Now I drive to work everyday and more confident on the road. I hope this helps you gain confidence. Good luck!

      1. calkenneth

        Agree completely with this – most Swedish drivers are much more patient than drivers from other countries. You also have a sign on the back of the car that says you’re a student so people tend to give you more space so you have freedom to maneuver, etc. Best of luck!

  33. Sharmin K

    Hi, just read your blog about your journey getting a driving license in Sweden. I just want to know how is the Theory test? I am super worried about theory test for some reason, I dont know, is it really difficult then those practice tests or its pretty much easy? any advice on that…i really appreciate your help. Thank you in advance! 🙂

    1. calkenneth

      The theory test was actually pretty easy. Make sure you study the signs and understand how to calculate stopping distance. I struggled with one of the signs because of the color calibration if the screen; I couldn’t tell which color the text was!

      And if you can read multiple languages, don’t forget to switch languages if you’re stuck on a question. Sometimes reading it in a different language can give you a different perspective on the question.

  34. Maan Rachid

    Thanks for your post. It is good to know that I am not alone 🙂 failed 3 times (Farsta) and very angry about that. I have been driving for 10 years in a foreign country. I cannot believe that you to do all that to drive a damn car.

  35. TJ

    Failed uppkörning four times. And today I will be on my 5th try which I booked just yesterday. The theory test I passed on first attempt but it is valid only til next week. I’m almost losing hope. So depressing! I have practiced a lot private and with a driving school though I chose to book my tests by myself and not with the help of the school. I’m not sure but maybe those endorsed by a school do really have higher chances.

  36. Michael

    Jakobsberg is THE worst place to take your drivers license, look up statistics from 2012. They basically LIE to you. They make s*** up. Take it from me, I grew up in Sweden. I wasted so much time and money on this scam and finally got my license in my 30s. If you want to take a driver’s license in Sweden, make sure to book it FAR from the big cities. Sorry, but Sweden is not as glamours as it is portrayed by the western media machine.

  37. Sheryl

    I have failed 4 times already and taking my 5th tomorrow. I’m getting frustrated and I don’t know how else to practice and improve. 🙁

  38. Michelle

    Thanks so much for all the info Kenneth! As someone who grew up in LA it’s super helpful to see someone with similar US-city driving experience adapt to the Swedish driving style.

    I was wondering if anyone knew how the re-booking after you’ve failed an exam works? With the current wait times, the next open exam date I can see is 4 months from now. Which would mean I just have one shot at passing or else I have to take my theory again? I’m confused :’- )

    1. Kenneth Chen Post author

      It’s been a while since I looked into the process for rebooking, but your theory and practical exams are separate. If you pass the theory then that result is good for a limited time, after which you will have to retake if you haven’t passed your practical exam in that window. Hope that helps!

  39. Timothy

    Is it possible to go through the whole process without having to do any practice driving or pay a driving school? I have decades of experience driving both outside of and within Sweden (have a cabin in Sweden where I drove for years before I actually moved here), so it seems like a big waste of money to pay someone to teach me what I already know. Can I book Risk 1 and 2 without doing it through a school?


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